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13mm Irrigation In Line Flow Tap

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13mm Irrigation In Line Flow Tap

99999 in stock



Restrict or shut off the flow of water to parts of your irrigation system with a Barbed In-Line Valve.

It’s basically a tap. Every irrigation system should use them!

You can expand, clean and service or system without turning it off – just use your tap to isolate sections that you’re working on.

Controlling the flow of water in this way really helps balance the water pressure in your irrigation system.

You can use them to get an even amount of feed to each dripper (and plant). Just use the valves to send more of you feed to where more of your drippers are connected. You can even restrict the follow of nutrients to individual drippers using the 4mm valve.

• Stop or slow the flow of water
• Isolate sections of your irrigation system
• Expand on, clean or service your system without turning it off
• Get a more even amount of feed to each plant
• Balance the flow of water in your system
• Also known as an In-Line Tap
• Absolute essential!

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