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Clay Pebbles 10L

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  • Ideal substrate for flood and drain
  • Increases aeration when added to another media
  • Improves drainage when added to another media
  • Reduces water holding capacity when added to another media
  • Allows for more frequent irrigations
  • Less likely to over water
  • Chemically inert
  • Stable Ph

99997 in stock

SKU: 7061283618736 Categories: Growing Medium, Hydro Tag:



Clay pebbles can easily be re-used, simply soak in a solution of hydrogen peroxide to get rid of any old root material, then repeat the washing and buffering process that you would normally do after buying a new bag.

It is ideal to root a plant into a rockwool block before going into clay pebbles. A 3” or 4” cube makes the perfect starting point for a healthy root zone to then be planted directly into clay pebbles. Make sure the bottom of the block is sat almost dead on with the flooded water level, to ensure it does not become too wet or too dry between irrigations


Growing hydroponically is all about using a media that will supply the roots with a higher level of oxygen, while providing an adequate supply of nutrients and water in a more efficient way for the plant. The air pockets in between each clay pebble and the micro pores within each pebble themselves means that there is always an extremely high level of oxygen available to the roots. The higher the level of available oxygen in a pot, means the higher the potential for nutrient uptake by the plant.

It is not simply down to the increased level of oxygen in the pot though, the way in which a media physically holds on to water also drastically effects how a plant will grow. The simple act of taking the water from the substrate by the root is extremely significant and most of the time, completely overlooked. Each type of media will hold onto its water content with a different level of force. Peat based mixes, for example, generally require a higher amount of force from the roots to take up the same amount of water when compared to hydroponic media. The force required to take the same volume of water from clay pebbles is much less, meaning the plant has more energy left over to put into production of flowers – meaning a potentially bigger yield!

Clay Pebbles are classed as an inert growing media. This means that they contain no available nutrient in the way that a pre-mixed potting soil does. This means that the level of feed (EC level) you use on each irrigation is what is available to the plant, so it is crucial to make sure you get it right! You need to be monitoring and keeping on top of your EC and pH levels a lot more than you would do with a media that is not inert, otherwise you will not get the most out of your plants – you are fully in control of your plants!

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